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I have been researching my family genealogies. I have been told for many years that John Paul Jones was an ancestor of mine, related to one of my great greats along the way. I decided today start at the top and go down trying to trace my lineage and ran across the names of Samuel James Paul and Margaret Buick. Do you have information on these people that I might be able to use? One other reason that I am really intrigued about these names showing in a “Google†listing for your site, is that the Paul line is on my maternal grandmother’s side. I am also a Gregory on my father’s side. My maiden name is Gregory. I find it very interesting to see that these lines may have crossed long before my mother and father married. I would love any information that you may be able to provide.
Yes, there is a connection. I have the following info:
Samuel James Paul – 1778-abt 1868, Co Antrim, Ireland
married Elizabeth Knowles – 1785-1857 Co Antrim
They had 6 children, one of which was John Paul who married Margaret Buick.
There are a few Paul’s that are related to my side of the family, but the one’s above are not. However, this information was provided to me by John Paul in California. I will send him an email with your query and he may be able to provide more information on the Paul Family.
I am interested in your Gregory side. What information do you have on your Gregory side? Please feel free to email me directly at
Yep, no joke, I typed in my name and found your website.
Just thought you may be interested in this Maurice Gregory.
Born Portsmouth, England in 1950, travelled a fair bit, emigrated to Australia in 1971 and now happily living in sunny Queensland Australia.
Good luck to you all,
I found your transcript of the letter sent by Addie Young to Carl Hegert’s family at the Carol Hegert page. I am a great great great niece of Addie Young and I have transcribed her journal of the trip to Germany taken in 1892 by Addie, her father Andrew Young, and Carl Hegert. If you are interested in reading it, let me know.
Found my way here by searching for “Samuel Alexander PAUL”, but it is a differnet Sam PAUL that I seek. My Sam PAUL was born about the same time (1856), but lived in Kentucky. He is found in Graves, Calloway, & McCracken counties (all KY). He is buried in Graves Co., KY.
Would like to hear from anyone looking for this Samuel PAUL.
Hi Terry and Jean, have met our cousin Rosemary Gregory , a wonderful lady with a wealth of information, discovered about the pocket watch, sent from America to my grandfather by a Mary Gregory nee Carpender,presented to her husband by the railroad company he worked for.I took Rosemary to a site that we know as the (old graveyard ) ,i pointed out the old road which ran along the (old graveyard ) and has a direct path to the old church which was sited at the Handball Ally in Moban , also took Rosemary to the ruins of an old house which we believe to be that of the downey family.
Will check in again and hopefully have more info for ya all
I’ve been researching my family roots for years but cannot seem to find any ancestors. I’m beginning to think I’m merely the product of someone’s imagination. Please help! I wanna believe this is really happening…not just some parallel universe trick :-0
Just another Michael Harvey [b-1962 USA]
Found this while wasting some time with my name search.
Yet more evidence that the Harveys had an IRISH connection.
Take Care all
M. Harvey
hello there this is Sharon Gregoy eamon’s daughter jst flicking through pictures thought i better leave ya all a wee comment so how you all doing we all are doing fine here better weather then ever in november before so your website is fanasnty you’s done such a good website just asing how do you put on pictures because i have some lovely pictures of My Granny Bridget Gregroy that was Married to Edward Gregory with my all ireland cup i won and with my medals and pcitures of myself and my mammy and daddy so talk to ya’s later
wel there terry thanks for replying it’s a long way from america to send a message to ireland so hope everyone is ok over there we are all doing fine here so talk to you later so you cantell me how to put on pics in nxt email tou send me because i have some good pics ok bye !!!!!
Can you email me at Hopefully your email will get to me and I can reply and you can send your pictures to me. I can’t wait to see them.
The Gregory’s from Armagh continue to come to Chicago. I am from Armagh City moved to Chicago in 1989. Grandfather Bob had a chip shop in Thomas Street in the early 1920’s and he was originally from White Cross. That is as far back as I know.
There must be a connection. If anyone can knows more please let me know.
hello i have been researching my ancestors,i think mary gregory born 1814 creggan ireland is my mum was born 1918 and her mother died of spanish flu when she was six weeks old,so she new very little about her family.i have traced her mother back to being born armagh ireland her name was elizabeth hollywood born about 1840. her mother was margaret mckew died 1912. her mother was mary gregory.mary born 1814 had her ist child james in1835 and her last joseph in gran elizabeth came to scotland in 1908 died 1918,i live in clydebank all my life we use to have singer sewing machine factory and john brown shipyard built all big ships years ago.hope to hear from somebody liz
Reposting this on-going request. Searching for Mary Catherine Gregory Yarbro. My birth mother was born in Chicago, on 11/29/1925. She lived on Demming street, married Shirly Yarbro in Blytheville Arkansas in 1945 and then on to Alaska.
If you know any relatives or have any information about her please contact me. My sister and I were adpopted out and would be forever grateful if you are a relative or friend of Mary’s from long ago.
My email address has changed since I last posted my request and information 4 years ago.
I am seeking any info regarding Lena Elizabeth Gregory. Bill Wiseman referred to her on his post of 10/25/05, but unfortunately his email is no longer current. Any info on her regarding DOB, death, spouse, children, cause of death, etc., would be appreciated. Her father was Thomas S. Gregory. Thank you.
Robin: I am still here and will share info on Lena Elizabeth Gregory Taylor as she was my grandmother’s sister. Thomas S. had 2 boys by his 2nd wife: Nathan and Calvin Gregory. I got into the Sons of the Republic of Texas through Laura B. Caudle Gregory, wife of T. S. Gregory and mother of Lena Elizabeth and Minnie Dashwood Gregory; as Marcus W. Caudle and his father, John Alexander Caudle came into Texas in November 1843.
Robin: I am still out here. And, I do have information to share on Lena Elizabeth Gregory Taylor as she was my grandmother,s sister. My grandmother was Minnie Dashwood Gregory Dunlap. Both were daus of Thomas Siler Gregory and Laura B. Caudle. The Caudle family came into RRC in Nov 1843 when Texas was still a Republic. The Gregory family came from James Gregory born in NC 1802 who had 3 boys, moved to VA and married a 2nd time to Elizabeth Beal had one son in VA and the rest in Arkansas before they moved to Manchester, Texas.
hi i,m looking for information (for fam.tree) on robert hughes b1856c in cappy armagh his fathers name is patrick.robert came to england around 1870,he(robert) was working as a coke drawer in consett co.durham
any info apreciated
cheers lynne
I am the only 4th generation grandson remaining of Samuel Watt (Sr), who was married to Sarah Paul. They had a son, my Great, Great Grandfather, Samuel Watt, Jr.
Samuel Sr. lived in Cadiz, Ohio, arriving in Cadiz from the town of Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, at a very young age, where he studied medicine with a local Dr., He later served in the Union Army in the Civil War, along with his nephew, William Watt. Both served as medical doctors/surgeons in the war.
Samuel Jr., Samuel Sr.’s son, (his wife was Matilda Preston) also served in the Civil War in the Union Army, as an infantryman, and was injured at the Battle of Resaca, Ga., just outside Atlanta while serving in Sherman’s Army. He was severely injured there and eventually lost his leg.
Samuel Watt Sr.’s father was William Watt (William’s wife was Esther “Estie” Andrew[s], also of Washington County, Pennsylvania).
William’s father was Samuel Watt,(wife unknown)who was born in 1743, and died in Cadiz, Ohio and was buried just outside town in the Beech Springs Cemetery, in 1818. My son, Kevin Watt and I located his grave site there in 2010.
There is a great deal of history of the Watt family while they lived in Cadiz, in the Cadiz, Ohio genealogy library just down the street from the City Hall in downtown Cadiz. My son and I spent several hours there one day copying many documents containing the names of the Watt family and their various legal activities. We were unable to locate the grave site of William Watt, but did locate the grave site of Esther “Estie” Watt, next to the grave site of her father-in-law, Samuel, Sr. in the Beech Springs Cemetery, outside of Cadiz.
I am interested in where Samuel Sr. (born 1743) might have been born, either in the US, or in Ireland/Scotland. This would greatly assist me in going “over the pond” to be able to further determine my ancestors’ roots, which, I believe may have originated in Scotland.
Thanks for your valuable contribution. Hope this information can be added to your site. It has all been verified.
Anyone with any information, thoughts, or questions, can contact me at
Hello Bob,
I am Robert Watt born in 1941 in Co. Tyrone, Ireland.
We know my grandfather’s brothers went to Ontario, Canada in 1872.
There is a strong possibility they went to their uncles who had left Ireland many years before.
Do you have any Irish connections in your family?
From Robert.
I google ships carpenter 1880 Chicago. John Gregory came up. My great great grandfather Thomas Crotty, was a ships carpenter from the 1860’s to 1890’s. I wonder if he might’ve worked for John.
Another great great grandfather John Bates, was a ship captain for the Hines lumber boats at the same time.
Ed Power
I have been researching my family genealogies. I have been told for many years that John Paul Jones was an ancestor of mine, related to one of my great greats along the way. I decided today start at the top and go down trying to trace my lineage and ran across the names of Samuel James Paul and Margaret Buick. Do you have information on these people that I might be able to use? One other reason that I am really intrigued about these names showing in a “Google†listing for your site, is that the Paul line is on my maternal grandmother’s side. I am also a Gregory on my father’s side. My maiden name is Gregory. I find it very interesting to see that these lines may have crossed long before my mother and father married. I would love any information that you may be able to provide.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Marilyn (Gregory) Hill
Marilyn – I’m interested to know if you made any progress in establishing the link to John Paul Jones.
I have information on Margaret Buick Paul if you’re still interested.
Thanks, John Paul
Castle Rock, CO
Hello, Marilyn
Yes, there is a connection. I have the following info:
Samuel James Paul – 1778-abt 1868, Co Antrim, Ireland
married Elizabeth Knowles – 1785-1857 Co Antrim
They had 6 children, one of which was John Paul who married Margaret Buick.
There are a few Paul’s that are related to my side of the family, but the one’s above are not. However, this information was provided to me by John Paul in California. I will send him an email with your query and he may be able to provide more information on the Paul Family.
I am interested in your Gregory side. What information do you have on your Gregory side? Please feel free to email me directly at
Yep, no joke, I typed in my name and found your website.
Just thought you may be interested in this Maurice Gregory.
Born Portsmouth, England in 1950, travelled a fair bit, emigrated to Australia in 1971 and now happily living in sunny Queensland Australia.
Good luck to you all,
Terry, we are very impressed with what we have seen and all your hard work Happy New Year from all in Clonalig 2006
It is my pleasure! And a very Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your families.
Please remember that this site is Your Site as well. If there is anything that you would like to add (or remove) please let me know!
Cheers from your American Cousins.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to view your web. It is very impressive and well beyond my capabilities to emulate.
I found your transcript of the letter sent by Addie Young to Carl Hegert’s family at the Carol Hegert page. I am a great great great niece of Addie Young and I have transcribed her journal of the trip to Germany taken in 1892 by Addie, her father Andrew Young, and Carl Hegert. If you are interested in reading it, let me know.
Carol West
Found my way here by searching for “Samuel Alexander PAUL”, but it is a differnet Sam PAUL that I seek. My Sam PAUL was born about the same time (1856), but lived in Kentucky. He is found in Graves, Calloway, & McCracken counties (all KY). He is buried in Graves Co., KY.
Would like to hear from anyone looking for this Samuel PAUL.
Lee Blackburn
Hi Terry and Jean, have met our cousin Rosemary Gregory , a wonderful lady with a wealth of information, discovered about the pocket watch, sent from America to my grandfather by a Mary Gregory nee Carpender,presented to her husband by the railroad company he worked for.I took Rosemary to a site that we know as the (old graveyard ) ,i pointed out the old road which ran along the (old graveyard ) and has a direct path to the old church which was sited at the Handball Ally in Moban , also took Rosemary to the ruins of an old house which we believe to be that of the downey family.
Will check in again and hopefully have more info for ya all
hi to all my American cousins
I was wondering if you could tell me how you managed to integrate TNG and WordPress. I have been trying to do this with no luck.
Amazing website.
I really enjoyed browsing throug your sites. greets from Germany – Timo!
I’ve been researching my family roots for years but cannot seem to find any ancestors. I’m beginning to think I’m merely the product of someone’s imagination. Please help! I wanna believe this is really happening…not just some parallel universe trick :-0
Need more info.
Just another Michael Harvey [b-1962 USA]
Found this while wasting some time with my name search.
Yet more evidence that the Harveys had an IRISH connection.
Take Care all
M. Harvey
Just flicking through all your pictures and want to congratulate you on such a brilliant website!
Hi all!
Very interesting information! Thanks!
Just wanted to drop in to look around. I’m a fellow winner of the Alba Awards Program.
hello there this is Sharon Gregoy eamon’s daughter jst flicking through pictures thought i better leave ya all a wee comment so how you all doing we all are doing fine here better weather then ever in november before so your website is fanasnty you’s done such a good website just asing how do you put on pictures because i have some lovely pictures of My Granny Bridget Gregroy that was Married to Edward Gregory with my all ireland cup i won and with my medals and pcitures of myself and my mammy and daddy so talk to ya’s later
Sharon Gregroy
Hi, Sharon
Thanks for writing! I tried to respond to you, but I keep getting undeliverable messages. Please email me and I will reply. terry at
wel there terry thanks for replying it’s a long way from america to send a message to ireland so hope everyone is ok over there we are all doing fine here so talk to you later so you cantell me how to put on pics in nxt email tou send me because i have some good pics ok bye !!!!!
Hello, Sharon
Can you email me at Hopefully your email will get to me and I can reply and you can send your pictures to me. I can’t wait to see them.
Tell everyone that we said Hi.
The Gregory’s from Armagh continue to come to Chicago. I am from Armagh City moved to Chicago in 1989. Grandfather Bob had a chip shop in Thomas Street in the early 1920’s and he was originally from White Cross. That is as far back as I know.
There must be a connection. If anyone can knows more please let me know.
Just stopping by to say… Howdy Y’all!
I’m one of the “Texas Gregory’s”. Hoping that this note finds you all happy and in good health. Enjoyed browsing your site.
Take care and God Bless!
Cousin Peggy ; >
hello i have been researching my ancestors,i think mary gregory born 1814 creggan ireland is my mum was born 1918 and her mother died of spanish flu when she was six weeks old,so she new very little about her family.i have traced her mother back to being born armagh ireland her name was elizabeth hollywood born about 1840. her mother was margaret mckew died 1912. her mother was mary gregory.mary born 1814 had her ist child james in1835 and her last joseph in gran elizabeth came to scotland in 1908 died 1918,i live in clydebank all my life we use to have singer sewing machine factory and john brown shipyard built all big ships years ago.hope to hear from somebody liz
Reposting this on-going request. Searching for Mary Catherine Gregory Yarbro. My birth mother was born in Chicago, on 11/29/1925. She lived on Demming street, married Shirly Yarbro in Blytheville Arkansas in 1945 and then on to Alaska.
If you know any relatives or have any information about her please contact me. My sister and I were adpopted out and would be forever grateful if you are a relative or friend of Mary’s from long ago.
My email address has changed since I last posted my request and information 4 years ago.
Thank you,
I am seeking any info regarding Lena Elizabeth Gregory. Bill Wiseman referred to her on his post of 10/25/05, but unfortunately his email is no longer current. Any info on her regarding DOB, death, spouse, children, cause of death, etc., would be appreciated. Her father was Thomas S. Gregory. Thank you.
Sorry, but I have absolutely no info on Lena Elizabeth Gregory or Thomas S. Gregory.
Hi Robin,
Are you still trying to find information on Lena Elizabeth Gregory Taylor from Red River County, Texas?
Robin: I am still here and will share info on Lena Elizabeth Gregory Taylor as she was my grandmother’s sister. Thomas S. had 2 boys by his 2nd wife: Nathan and Calvin Gregory. I got into the Sons of the Republic of Texas through Laura B. Caudle Gregory, wife of T. S. Gregory and mother of Lena Elizabeth and Minnie Dashwood Gregory; as Marcus W. Caudle and his father, John Alexander Caudle came into Texas in November 1843.
Bill Wiseman
Robin: I am still out here. And, I do have information to share on Lena Elizabeth Gregory Taylor as she was my grandmother,s sister. My grandmother was Minnie Dashwood Gregory Dunlap. Both were daus of Thomas Siler Gregory and Laura B. Caudle. The Caudle family came into RRC in Nov 1843 when Texas was still a Republic. The Gregory family came from James Gregory born in NC 1802 who had 3 boys, moved to VA and married a 2nd time to Elizabeth Beal had one son in VA and the rest in Arkansas before they moved to Manchester, Texas.
Bill Wiseman
hi i,m looking for information (for fam.tree) on robert hughes b1856c in cappy armagh his fathers name is patrick.robert came to england around 1870,he(robert) was working as a coke drawer in consett co.durham
any info apreciated
cheers lynne
Just googled my name and came across your site I am impressed. You did a wonderful job. Congrats.
John From New Jersey
I am looking for info on Keenan and Mcardle families from this area.I believe my grandparents were married in Crossmaglen in 1913.
I am related to Lena Elizabeth Gregory, will be happy to share info.
I am the only 4th generation grandson remaining of Samuel Watt (Sr), who was married to Sarah Paul. They had a son, my Great, Great Grandfather, Samuel Watt, Jr.
Samuel Sr. lived in Cadiz, Ohio, arriving in Cadiz from the town of Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, at a very young age, where he studied medicine with a local Dr., He later served in the Union Army in the Civil War, along with his nephew, William Watt. Both served as medical doctors/surgeons in the war.
Samuel Jr., Samuel Sr.’s son, (his wife was Matilda Preston) also served in the Civil War in the Union Army, as an infantryman, and was injured at the Battle of Resaca, Ga., just outside Atlanta while serving in Sherman’s Army. He was severely injured there and eventually lost his leg.
Samuel Watt Sr.’s father was William Watt (William’s wife was Esther “Estie” Andrew[s], also of Washington County, Pennsylvania).
William’s father was Samuel Watt,(wife unknown)who was born in 1743, and died in Cadiz, Ohio and was buried just outside town in the Beech Springs Cemetery, in 1818. My son, Kevin Watt and I located his grave site there in 2010.
There is a great deal of history of the Watt family while they lived in Cadiz, in the Cadiz, Ohio genealogy library just down the street from the City Hall in downtown Cadiz. My son and I spent several hours there one day copying many documents containing the names of the Watt family and their various legal activities. We were unable to locate the grave site of William Watt, but did locate the grave site of Esther “Estie” Watt, next to the grave site of her father-in-law, Samuel, Sr. in the Beech Springs Cemetery, outside of Cadiz.
I am interested in where Samuel Sr. (born 1743) might have been born, either in the US, or in Ireland/Scotland. This would greatly assist me in going “over the pond” to be able to further determine my ancestors’ roots, which, I believe may have originated in Scotland.
Thanks for your valuable contribution. Hope this information can be added to your site. It has all been verified.
Anyone with any information, thoughts, or questions, can contact me at
Bob Watt
Ivins, Utah
Hello Bob,
I am Robert Watt born in 1941 in Co. Tyrone, Ireland.
We know my grandfather’s brothers went to Ontario, Canada in 1872.
There is a strong possibility they went to their uncles who had left Ireland many years before.
Do you have any Irish connections in your family?
From Robert.
I google ships carpenter 1880 Chicago. John Gregory came up. My great great grandfather Thomas Crotty, was a ships carpenter from the 1860’s to 1890’s. I wonder if he might’ve worked for John.
Another great great grandfather John Bates, was a ship captain for the Hines lumber boats at the same time.
Ed Power